Suzdal is the pearl in the Golden Ring of Russia

       Suzdal is a real pearl in the Golden Ring of Russia, a city admiring for its architecture. I’ve always dreamed of visiting this ancient Russian city.    I am sincerely grateful to Elena Shumilova for organizing our photo tour to Suzdal. We have gathered a wonderful team of photographers inspired by Elena’s work.

          Shooting took place in early December, and we were a little upset about the lack of snow. However, the fog enveloping the city has added a special atmosphere to our photos.

Winter holidays are continuing, cute children’s Christmas photos can be viewed in the article Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! I will still have the opportunity to share other shots.

      Today I’m posting a series of photos with the beautiful Sasha. Despite her fragility, sophistication and beauty, Alexandra is an amazingly resilient and brave girl.

  May that Christmas and Yuletide days bring you health, mental and physical strength, as well as only good news. I wish you Peace, love and mutual understanding to your families!

MD: Александра Екатерина Исмаилова
Horse: Сокол от Ямской Двор Лошади Суздаль

jewelry:  Julia Spirit



Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Holiday photos from Suzdal
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Nomads of Mongolia

Mongolia. Episode IV. Immerse yourself in the unique world of Mongolia through the lens of a photographer. Learn...
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am

Mongolia. Episode III. The gorge of the vultures-lambs Elyn Am. The adventures in the Gobi Desert continue. Vulture...
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Gobi Desert National Park

We continue our journey to the Gobi Desert. GOV-GURVAN-SAIKHAN NATIONAL PARK. The first obstacles.
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg


My adventure in Mongolia, a country renowned for its stunning, unspoiled landscapes. Goby Desert, where harmonious...
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Фотосессия как медитация. Джая

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Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Участие в международных конкурсах и награды.

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Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Publication on the Oneeyeland website

Publication on the Oneeyeland website
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Fine Art portrait course of photo retouching

The Fine Art processing course at the Anna Krauklis School has been successfully completed. The certificate was...
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Publication in Vogue

My landscape in Vogue
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Фотосессия детей

Дети — самые замечательные актёры. Они могут за секунду превратиться из настоящих супергероев в сладких ангелочков.
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Выпечка хлеба, Дагестан

Погружение в национальные семейные традиции Дагестана. Выпечка хлеба- традиционных национальных лепешек чуду.
Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Публикация в Vogue

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Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Сказка в городе

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Photo shoot in an ancient Russian city. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Время для фотосессии

Лучшее время для фотосессии