I recently returned from an incredible journey to Mongolia, a truly remarkable country that captivates with its pristine, wild beauty.

   In this adventure, we discovered a world where time flows at its own leisurely pace and people live in harmony with nature. It’s a place where you can find inner freedom and inspiration, surrounded by the majestic landscapes of this beautiful country. 

The endless steppes of Mongolia stretch to the horizon, and in the distance, herds of grazing horses can be seen. As we traveled further, we encountered leisurely grazing cashmere goats and tranquil sheep. And while I’m not sure if camels can truly be called the “ships of the desert, ” they are undeniably amazing creations of nature! One of them even reminded me of a butterfly! 

We were also treated to soaring birds above us. Google informed me that they are black kites-vultures. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but they are stunning creatures! I even found a black feather from one of them, measuring 44 cm in length. 

 I sift through the photographs from this journey, I’m left with a delightful aftertaste. I’m emotionally enjoying the editing process, reliving the adventures we had. And the best part is that the adventures are just beginning! 

Stay tuned for more stories and images from my unforgettable journey through the Gobi Desert! 


#GobiDesert #PhotographyJourney #Adventure


Монголия. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Монголия. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Монголия. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Монголия. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Монголия. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Монголия. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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