🌍✨ Continuing our adventure in the Gobi Desert! To the evening, we arrived in the city of Dalanzadgad, nestled high on a plateau at an altitude of 1,590 meters above sea level. This little city lies 540 kilometers south of Ulaanbaatar, close to the Mongolian-China border. With a population of just 13.2 thousand people and a vast area of 476 square kilometers, Dalanzadgad is a unique blend of culture and nature. 

We spent the night at a yurt camp just outside the city, and the next day we set off to explore the wonders of the Gobi Desert! 

Our first stop was the stunning Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park, named after the Gurvan Saikhan Mountains, which translates to “three beautiful ridges.” This majestic range forms the eastern part of the park, while the rest is a mosaic of arid deserts and shifting sand dunes.

The desert wasted no time in reminding us that the road wouldn’t be easy. Our first vehicle had a flat tire, and rain made the clay roads muddy and treacherous. But we pushed through, with a bit of help from some cheerful locals who offered advice and assistance. 

What amazed me was how the Mongolians wear their traditional clothing—the beautiful, colorful, and warm deels—every day. Young people happily posed for photos with us, and we shared a few laughs together. Later, we spotted some of them again in the canyon, bringing warmth and joy to the rugged landscape. 

Stay tuned for more incredible moments from our journey through the Gobi Desert! 

#GobiDesert #TravelDiaries #PhotographyAdventure  


Путешествие в Монголию, пустыня Гоби. A trip to Mongolia, the Gobi Des. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg


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Путешествие в Монголию, пустыня Гоби. A trip to Mongolia, the Gobi Des. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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