Merry Christmas!  

   Merry Christmas! On this magical holiday, I am happy to share a new series of photographs taken during Elena Shumilova’s photo tour in Suzdal. Suzdal is a true gem in the Golden Ring of Russia, an ancient Russian city that captivates with its architecture. These photos capture Sara and Mashenka—two charming little girls who remind us of the true meaning of Christmas: love, hope, and miracles.

      Dear friends, I wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! May each of you feel the warmth and light of this holiday in your hearts. I wish you and your loved ones health, happiness, and prosperity. May each day be filled with joy and inspiration!   

   If you are looking for unique photo sessions in Yekaterinburg, where there are also many architectural monuments, I would be happy to help you capture the brightest moments of your life. Yekaterinburg offers many picturesque locations that are perfect for creating unforgettable photographs. I thank Elena Shumilova, Mashenka and her mom Irina Gogoleva, Sara and her mom Varvara for the opportunity to take these lovely shots.  


Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Nomads of Mongolia

Mongolia. Episode IV. Immerse yourself in the unique world of Mongolia through the lens of a photographer. Learn...
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am

Mongolia. Episode III. The gorge of the vultures-lambs Elyn Am. The adventures in the Gobi Desert continue. Vulture...
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Gobi Desert National Park

We continue our journey to the Gobi Desert. GOV-GURVAN-SAIKHAN NATIONAL PARK. The first obstacles.
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg


My adventure in Mongolia, a country renowned for its stunning, unspoiled landscapes. Goby Desert, where harmonious...
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Фотосессия как медитация. Джая

Подходя к организации фотосессии для модели, я всегда стараюсь понять ее внутренний мир и представить это через...
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Участие в международных конкурсах и награды.

Весной меня приняли кандидатом в члены Ассоциации фотографов «Евразия». О моем участии в зарубежных фотоконкурсах...
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Publication on the Oneeyeland website

Publication on the Oneeyeland website
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Fine Art portrait course of photo retouching

The Fine Art processing course at the Anna Krauklis School has been successfully completed. The certificate was...
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Publication in Vogue

My landscape in Vogue
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Фотосессия детей

Дети — самые замечательные актёры. Они могут за секунду превратиться из настоящих супергероев в сладких ангелочков.
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Выпечка хлеба, Дагестан

Погружение в национальные семейные традиции Дагестана. Выпечка хлеба- традиционных национальных лепешек чуду.
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Публикация в Vogue

Публикация в  Vogue: Одинокий велосипедист, скользит по льду Байкала, преодолевая бесконечные просторы этого...
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Сказка в городе

Можно ли снять сказку в городе? (Воспоминания о моей первой фотосессии.)
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Время для фотосессии

Лучшее время для фотосессии
Children’s New Year Christmas photo shoot. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Publication in Vogue, Chapora Beach, Goa, India

A new publication in Vogue magazine