High above the peaks of one of the three ranges of the Gobi Altai, majestic birds circle the skies. In the heart of the Gobi Desert, in southern Mongolia near the border with China, lies the mysterious Yolyn Am Valley, also known as the “Vulture Valley.” 

Perched at an altitude of 2,500 meters above sea level, Yolyn Am is a massive gorge with sheer rock walls reaching up to 200 meters high. This stunning valley was formed by a powerful earthquake that cleaved the mountains apart. It is incredibly deep and narrow; in some places, two people standing side by side could block the path!

The mountains retain moisture, allowing blooming plants and grasses to flourish in the valley. We even discovered a small waterfall that swells with strength during spring and early summer, adding to the magical atmosphere. 

In the river valley below, we saw horses grazing peacefully. It was the perfect opportunity for horseback riding! Our lovely Ksenia attempted riding for the first time and absolutely loved it. Suddenly, a group of Mongolian horsemen galloped past us, creating a moment that felt like back in time. The horses raced deep into the gorge, but one batyr returned, offering Ksenia a chance to ride through the valley.

Fearlessly, Ksenia accepted the challenge, holding her ground in the saddle like a true champion. Not every girl can ride a horse across the rocky riverbed of the Vulture’s Valley in the Gobi Desert, but she did it with grace. We captured countless beautiful shots in this hidden world, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Stay tuned for my next post, where I’ll dive deeper into the magical world of these magnificent horses… 

 #GobiDesert #YolynAm #PhotographyAdventure #Mongolia  


Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Gobi Desert National Park

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg


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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

Publication in Vogue, Chapora Beach, Goa, India

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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Ущелье грифов Ёлын Ам, The gorge of the vultures Elyn Am. Svetlana Korneliuk, photographer in Yekaterinburg

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